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BUFFALO WOMAN COMES SINGING: The Spirit Song Of A Rainbow Medicine Woman

$18.00 each

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Medicine Eagle, Brooke
Ballantine Books
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'This vibrant book of wonders speaks true and dreams deep. Writng with blazing honesty she tells of her hard-won knowledge of many of the world's spiritual and healing traditions, while hold the Sacred Hoop of Natie Amreicanwisdom. This magnificent teacher becomes for us a new embodiment of White Buffalo Woman.'Jean HoustonAuthor of THE SEARCH FOR THE BELOVEDBUFFALO WOMAN COMES SINGING explores fascinating uses of traditions like the Medicine Wheel; healing through ritual action; dreamtime; and the moon lodge -- the woman's place of retreat and visioning. These powerful personal tools integrate ancient wisdom with contemporary experience, as Buffalo Woman calls each spiritual warrior to her own true place in the dance of life.


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