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LOSING AMERICA: Confronting A Reckless & Arrogant Presidency

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Byrd, Robert C
W W Norton & Co Ltd
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In the months and years following September 11, Senator Robert C. Byrd has viewed with alarm what he considers to be a 'slow unraveling of the people's liberties,' when all dissenting voices were stilled and awesome power swung suddenly to the president to fight a 'war on terror.' This path violates historic American principles--it shows no regard for the balance of powers or the role of the Congress; it invades our privacy; and it eliminates public participation in and understanding of government. Swept along, we have entered a war without proper consideration and rushed dangerous legislation through Congress. Now is the time to regain the Constitution, to return to the values and processes that made America great. Byrd does not shrink from speaking the truth to an ever more aggressive and imperial White House. Byrd has written a new postscript for the paperback edition.


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