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CHOOSING BRILLIANT HEALTH: 9 Choices That Redefine What It Takes To Create Lifelong Vitality & Well-Being

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Foster, Rick & Hicks, Greg
Perigee Trade
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Proven ways to create positive behaviors and attitudes that make us healthier. Stepping into a new frontier of health, Choosing Brilliant Health is the first practical guide to discovering the most powerful, yet least utilized, route to good health the thoughts and behaviors that create positive emotions. Based on groundbreaking new studies showing that positive emotions are a root cause of good health, high immune function and better healing, the book offers a clear, concise path to unraveling the mysteries of the mind-body connection. Choosing Brilliant Health provides the means for anyone to take control of their health and to thrive in spite of inevitable illness and aging. By integrating a specific and easy-to- implement set of nine attitude-driven behaviors, people can live in Brilliant Health and actually alter their physical state, boost their immune function, reduce pain, enhance their ability to fight disease, reduce stress, recover faster from surgery, and live a longer and better life. With a blend of personal and inspiring stories, testimonials from healthcare professionals and the hard science that substantiates the amazing affects of the Brilliant Health system, Choosing Brilliant Health shows us: * Tangible things we can do each day to reset our biochemistry and feel more energized. * Key thoughts and behaviors that actually change the pathways in our brain. * How we boost our immune system by triumphing over the victim brain. * The latest research in Positive Psychology and how it supports all nine Brilliant Health choices. * A process called recasting, which helps to convert despair into meaning, opportunity, and resilience. * A quick, diagnostic self-test to determine your own Brilliant Health quotient.


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