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VAMPIRE TAXONOMY: Identifying & Interacting With The Modern-Day Bloodsucker

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Now that millions have read and seen Twilight, where do they turn for vampire advice? This wry, witty, fully illustrated, and bloody essential guide. Vampires are all around-books, movies, TV, comics- infiltrating our culture like never before. But what happens if one should run into a real vamp on the street? Vampire Taxonomy is the best defense against a fatal encounter in the dark. For the reader's protection, Meredith Woerner reveals the truth about: òSunlight sensitivity-Do vamps venture out in the day or stick solely to the evening hours? òPhysiology-When ready to feed, do they change appearance or simply lure with the seductive flash of a fang? òDress-Are they decked out in leather with aspirations of becoming the first vampire rock stars or do they cling to Gothic robes and ruffled collars? òDiet-Are they waging a never-ending struggle against the temptation of human blood or do they view the world as their personal blood buffet?

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