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Barclay, Liz & Grosvenor, Michael
For Dummies
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Want to do your part to reduce energy consumption, waste, and pollution; clean up the environment, and save the planet? Green Living For Dummies is packed with practical suggestions you can follow to make your lifestyle greener by doing as little damage as possible to the planet and the animal and plant life that depend on it. This practical guide delivers an array of realistic practices and changes you can undertake to help the environment and create a better home for yourself and your loved ones. YouÆll discover easy and innovative ways to make a difference by reducing energy use and waste, scaling back reliance on your car, and even making minor adjustments to your diet. YouÆll also find how to live green at work and in your community, and youÆll develop a deeper understanding of how these changes benefit both the environment and your own health and well-being! Discover how to: Go green gradually Make eco-friendly home improvements Work greener transportation into your lifestyle Save money by going green Eat locally and organically Raise your childrenÆs environmental awareness Reduce waste by repairing, restoring, and reusing Become a green consumer Invest in green companies for fun and profit Complete with handy lists of things you can do to make a difference right away and down the road Green Living For Dummies is the resource you need to start taking steps toward shrinking your footprint.


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