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SKIPPING TOWARD GOMORRAH: The Seven Deadly Sins & The Pursuit Of Happiness In America

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Savage, Dan
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Dan Savage is irreverent, irrepressible, and opinionated. He's held his own on Politically Incorrect, told tales on This American Life, continues to write a beloved nationally syndicated column-and he's had it up to here (my hand is higher than my head) with the moral, conservative scolds who proclaim America is slouching towards Gomorrah (to use Robert Bork's phrase). Are we really that bad? Yes, we are! And in Skipping Towards Gomorrah, Dan Savage eviscerates those cynics as he commits each of the Seven Deadly Sins himself (or tries to) and finds those everyday Americans who take particular delight in their sinful pursuits. Among them: Greed: Gamblers reveal secrets behind outrageous fortune. Lust: 'We're swingers!'-you won't believe who's doing it. Gluttony: Dan meets gluttons with attitude at a pro-fat conference. Sloth: Leave it to Dan to find a way to celebrate this sin that will get him in trouble with his mother. Anger: Texans shoot off some rounds and then listen to Dan fire off on his own about guns, control, and the Second Amendment. Envy: Meet the rich-then be glad you're not one of them. Pride: You'll never look at a gay pride parade the same way again. Couple all this sinning with a unique history of the Seven Deadly Sins, a new interpretation of the biblical stories of Sodom and Gomorrah, and enough Bork, Bennett, Buchanan, et al, bashing to more than make up for their incessant carping, and you've got the most provocative book of the fall.


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