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YOU CAN AVOID PHYSICAL DEATH: Physical Body Ascension To The New Earth

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There is a place you can go that is free from sickness, crime, and war. That place is not here on this Earth. Instead, it is on the 'New Earth.' And you can choose to obtain a new body and go there. Drawing upon thirty-three years of University research and fifteen years of 'Subtle Energy' manipulations Dr. Pettit discusses relationships between life sciences and spirituality. By understanding the concept 'ask and you can receive' he outlines the questions to ask and your responsibilities to create a new body for ascending to the 'New Earth' around 2012. Ascension is available for those who choose to move out of duality consciousness with suffering and pain into a new reality of Unity Consciousness with unfathomed joy and peace. Dr. Pettit explains how you can achieve this incredible gift with the following concepts. * Making a choice to ascend with your physical body * Knowing who you are and why you are on Earth * Shifting your dimensional state of consciousness * Avoiding fear, accept change, understand time-space * Releasing false beliefs, sickness, and pain * Understand your Mer-Ka-Ba Energy Field * Universal Laws related to your spirituality * The End Times, 'The Shift,' and Photon Belt


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