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3-SEASON DIET: Eat The Way Nature Intended To Lose Weight, Beat Food Cravings, Get Fit

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Douillard, John
Three Rivers Press
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* Do you drink coffee in the morning to get your day started?* Do you work through lunch?* Do you crave sweets or a nap in the afternoon?* Have you tried losing weight in the past three years and given up?* Do you tend to have bouts of worry, anxiety, and depression?* Do you have difficulty remembering things?If you do, this book will help you restore balance to your daily life. By following its simple instructions for eating foods appropriate to each season, adjusting your diet to your body type, eating at the optimal time of the day, and exercising without triggering a survival response, you will not only lose excess pounds and maintain your ideal weight, you will generate energy and power in your life.Derived from a 5,000-year-old traditional medical system, the 3-season diet does what no other diet will: work along with the body's natural response to the changing seasons, feeding it what it craves and can best utilize at all times. In spring, for instance, we want salads, berries, and leafy greens, a naturally low-fat diet. And in winter, we yearn for hearty soups, nuts, warm grains, and high-fat and protein-rich foods such as fish and meat. Following the foods that nature provides seasonally creates the best diet for balancing weight, mood, and energy for anyone living anywhere on earth.


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