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THE SHORT COURSE TO MENTAL WEALTH through A Newer Way Of Thinking by this Johns Hopkins trained psychiatrist explains why our leading scientists warn us that Doomsday is near and certain unless we heed Einstein's advice: we require a new manner of thinking. The Short Course explains the clearly defined concrete skills we require to survive and thrive in the nuclear age. Everyone will enjoy the first easy steps to become one's own best friend. We need not go through life remaining a 'love junkie' once we acquire skill in loving our self. Thereafter, Dr. Pet provides three original skills that enable the reader to become their own genie: (1) Seven word switches that free our thinking from the prejudices genes and our nurturers inscribe in every native language, (2) the Mental Response Control Panal that strengthens our will to consistantly make our choices right, and (3) the Lifelong Wisdom collection that others have shown consistently work. These skills will inspire the reader to become 'one' of the 'each one, teach one' needed to promote world preace and curb our greatest threat, destructive aggression. THE NEWER WAY OF THINKING will inspire creative persons to further develop the educational resources lacking in our present formal education. The Short Course is the best gift we can give to our loved ones.


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