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TEN TALENTS: Natural Foods Vegetarian Food-Combining Cookbook & Health Manual - S

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Dr. Frank J. and Rosalie Hurd
TEN TALENTS -New Pictorial Edition-2009 Silver Medal Award Winner!This classic natural foods vegetarian cookbook and health manual emphasizes the original diet for humans found in Genesis 1:29. Over 1,000 heart-healthy recipes,low in fat, high fiber, low sodium,cholesterol-free. Twenty-one chapters on the use of whole plant foods: fruits,grains,nuts,seeds, legumes, vegetables and herbs in proper combination for optimum health and nutrition. Packed with information on preparing natural foods, including baby feeding, sprouting, canning, freezing, drying foods, meal planning,menus and more. A Glossary of Natural Foods, Simple Food Combining, and Ten Principles for Abundant Health are included. Beautifully illustrated,with over 1,300 color photos;675pages. A masterpiece! -

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