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CODEPENDENTS' GUIDE TO THE TWELVE STEPS: How To Find The Right Program For You & Apply...

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Beattie, Melody
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First the Hurt, Now the Healing... Millions identified with Melody Beattie in 'Codependent No More' and gained inspiration from her in 'Beyond Codependency'. Now she's back to help you discover how recovery programs work and to help you find the right one for you. Interpreting the famous Alcoholics Anonymous Twelve Steps specifically for codependent issues for the very first time, this groundbreaking book combines Melody's expertise with the experience of other people to: - Explain each step and how you can apply it to your particular issues; - Offer specific exercises and activities to use both in group settings and on your own; - Provide a directory of the wide range of Twelve Step programs -- including Al-Anon, Codependents Anonymous, Codependents of Sex Addicts, Adult Children of Alcoholics, and more! The uniquely warm and compassionate voice of Melody Beattie will inspire you to turn your life around -- one step at a time.


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