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Gonzalez-Wippler, Migene
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Like other religions, Witchcraft has its deities, priests, holidays, rituals, and rules. Yet, Wiccan beliefs and practices are often unknown or misunderstood by non-Pagans and the uninitiated. Approaching the Craft from the Gardnerian perspective, Migene Gonzßlez-Wippler offers a friendly, straightforward introduction to the Old Religion and sheds light on what it truly means to be a Witch. What goes on at coven meetings? How do Witches perform magic? Why does magic work? From initiation rites to invoking elementals, Gonzßlez-Wippler explains both practical and spiritual aspects of Wiccan traditions. Book of Shadows also teaches the significance of Moon phases, herbs, colors, crystals, common magical tools, and other implements when performing sacred ceremonies


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