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EGYPTIAN TAROT KIT - deck & book

$35.95 each

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Alasia, Silvana
Llewellyn Publications
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This kit combines Alasia's incredible deck with the in-depth studies of Berti and Gonard. These authors guide us through the magic of the cards. Explore the mysteries of ancient Egyptian knowledge as they are revealed Arcanum after Arcanum through the description of an enchanting initiatory rite. Kit includes 78 full-color cards and 160 page book. á Publisher Review: One of the first books I read when I began studying occultism was The History and Practice of Magic by Paul Christian. This was the Anglicized name of Jean Baptiste Pitois for a book first published in France in 1870, seven years before his death. The reason I liked it was because of the dramatic and imaginative writing style, part of which included a fascinating, fantastic, and almost phantasmagorical story of initiation in ancient Egypt that merged...read more.


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