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ADVANCED WITCHCRAFT: Go Deeper, Reach Further, Fly Higher

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McCoy, Edain
Llewellyn Publications
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'You need no magickal tools, elaborate robes, or witchy jewelry to make this trip. Just bring along your passion and self-discipline, your humility and your courage, your determination and your faith. Unlike the road of the mainstream religions where the flock must play Follow the Leader into the realms of higher learning, we Witches must find that path ourselves and walk it alone. This requires the courage of our convictions, faith in our deities, trust in ourselves, and a balance in all areas of our life that allows us to walk the path of self-responsibility to bravely face the wonders of 'that which can never be told.'' -Edain McCoy Are You Living As a Witch? In the beginning everything is fresh and new. Learning how to cast a circle, work magick, and honor the God and Goddess on esbats and sabbats can be exhilarating. But once you've mastered the basics of Witchcraft comes the real challenge of living your faith every moment of every day. Living as a Witch is knowing that you are the magick. Advanced Witchcraft doesn't contain any 'Wicca 101' information-it assumes that you're already familiar with the nuts and bolts of the Craft. Instead, this book challenges you to think critically about your beliefs and practices, what they mean to you, how they've changed, and where you're going. Along the way you'll also learn many techniques for intermediate and advanced Witches, including: -meeting your shadow -advanced warding and psychic self-defense -power animals, familiars, and shapeshifters -working the labyrinth and the maze -advanced tree spirituality -advanced augury and divination -magick and ritual using the fine arts of storytelling, dance, music, art, and drama -the art of Wishcraft -the healing arts -spirits and lost souls -banishing and closing portals -surviving the dark night of the soul


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