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SPIRITUALISM AND CLAIRVOYANCE FOR BEGINNERS: Simple Techniques To Develop...Psychic Abilities

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Owens, Elizabeth
Llewellyn Publications
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Margaretta and Catherine Fox's successful communication with a spirit entity in 1848 sparked a new understanding of the spirit world in the United States. This new movement is called Modern Spiritualism. Based on Spiritualism's rich tradition, Elizabeth Owens demonstrates how one can develop natural clairvoyant skills in order to hear the 'wisdom of the spirits.' Emphasizing patience and practice, the author insists that clairvoyance is possible for everyone. She explains many forms of clairvoyance (psychometry, clairsentience, clairaudience, and so on), and offers examples based on her own experiences and those of six other Spiritualist mediums. Exercises in meditation, memory development, visualization, and symbol interpretation progressively help readers enhance and cultivate their own innate gift of the 'sixth sense.'


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