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FAITH AND MAGICK IN THE ARMED FORCES: A Handbook For Pagans In The Military

$15.95 each

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Barner, Stefani E
Llewellyn Publications
Faith and Magick in the Armed Forces provides practical guidance and genuine support to military Pagans and Wiccans as they proudly serve our country. Many issues that face Pagan military members and their families are explored in depth--practicing their faith, relocation, overseas deployment, preparing for combat, returning as veterans, working for peace. Religious freedoms, legal issues, and rights are clarified, and resources for help are given. Faith and Magic in the Armed Forces offers knowledgeable advice, helpful rituals and meditations designed specifically for the military experience, and candid interviews with Pagan servicepersons and their loved ones. Respectful and straightforward, this one-of-a-kind handbook is essential for Pagans serving in a predominantly Christian military.


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