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SACRED PATHS FOR MODERN MEN: A Wake-Up Call From Your 12 Archetypes

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Dewr, Dagonet
Llewellyn Publications
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RoarRule LaughCreateDestroyLove ...And lay claim to your true masculine nature and spiritual heritage. According to Dagonet Dewr, a writer and activist in the men's pagan spirituality movement: 'We have forgotten how to cry, to scream, to hunt, to love, to honor, to teach, to initiate.' Hip, funny, and direct, this pagan belief guide explores twelve powerful male archetypes and their relevance for men today: Divine Child, Lover, Warrior, Trickster, Green Man, Guide, Craftsman, Magician, Destroyer, King, Healer, and Sacrificed One. Stories of characters from mythology, fantasy, and pop culture illustrate different expressions of masculine energy. With pagan rituals and magickal workings, this pagan book offers a visceral, hands-on way to connect with archetypal energies and honor male rites of passage such as coming of age, seeking a partner in love, or becoming a father.


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