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DISCOVER YOUR PSYCHIC TYPE: Developing & Using Your Natural Intuition

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Dillard, Sherrie
Llewellyn Publications,U.S.
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Intuition and spiritual growth are inherently linked, according to professional psychic and therapist Sherrie Dillard. This groundbreaking guide offers a personalized approach to spiritual development, introducing four different psychic types and revealing how to develop the unique talents of each. Designed for both beginning intuitives and advanced psychics, this book presents a simple, step-by-step plan: Take the insightful quiz to learn whether you are a physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual intuitive, Discover more about each type's nature, personality, strengths, and potential challenges, Develop your psychic abilities with the meditations and exercises designed for your specific intuitive style. Throughout the book, Dillard shares remarkable stories from her professional practice to illustrate the incredible power of intuition and its connection to the spirit world, inner wisdom, and your higher self. Book jacket.


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