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GARDEN WITCH'S HERBAL: Green Magick, Herbalism & Spirituality

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Llewellyn Publications
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Every Witch needs a little corner of the world to tend. Deepen your connection to the earth and watch your magickal skills blossom. Ellen Dugan presents a variety of ways to honor and work with the plant kingdom in this charming hands-on guide to green magick and spirituality. Designed to enhance any tradition or style of the Craft, this handy herbal reference provides the physical description, folklore, magickal qualities, and spellwork correspondences for a wealth of flowers, trees, and herbs, and features forty-seven botanical drawings. Conjuring a Garden with Heart bull; Green Witchery in the City Wildflowers and Witchery bull; Magick of the Hedgerows The Magick and Folklore of Trees bull; Gothic Herbs and Forbidden Plants Herbs and Plants of the Sabbats bull; Herbs of the Stars bull; Magickal Herbalism

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