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HAUNTING EXPERIENCES: Encounters With The Otherworldly

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Belanger, Michelle
Llewellyn Publications
'An exceptional collection of ghost and haunting encounters--made even better because of Michelle Belanger's firsthand experience with them, on top of her extensive knowledge of the phenomena.'--Loyd Auerbach, MS, parapsychologist and director of the Office of Paranormal Investigations Michelle Belanger's chilling collection of true ghost stories will take you further than you've ever gone before into the realm of spirits, astral entities, and dark forces. Along the way, you'll encounter haunted violins, dark fey, hell hounds, haunted cremains, and even an astral vampire summoned by an aspiring magician who becomes its unwitting target. Whether she's being accosted by an angry spirit who recently committed suicide or being driven out of haunted woods in a very Hitchcock-esque manner, Belanger's hard-won expertise and insightful commentary add both depth and context to her truly frightening--and sometimes dangerous--haunted experiences.


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