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WITCH'S COIN: Prosperity & Money Magick

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Llewellyn Publications
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Along with quick-fix money spells, this timely book explores the consciousness of prosperity and how to transform poverty into abundance through magick, meditation, affirmations, and astrological timing. The Witch's Coin offers a materia magicka of the most powerful correspondences in wealth spellwork, including gods, stones, metals, herbs, and coins. Unlike most money magick books, it builds upon a foundation of real-world financial principles. Penczak also discusses offering magickal services professionally, including how and when to charge for readings and healings. 'The first book of financial tips and advice that I have ever enjoyed reading. I highly recommend this book.'ùJudika Illes, author of The Element Encyclopedia of 5000 Spells and Pure Magic 'A refreshing examination of the connection between money, magic, and the attitude people put toward both.'ùTaylor Ellwood, editor of Manifesting Prosperity: A Wealth Magic Anthology


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