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PLANT SPIRIT JOURNEY: Discover The Healing Energies Of The Natural World

$16.95 each

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Llewellyn Publications
Explore the mystical realm of the plant kingdom, and discover a hidden source of power and healing. Born with the ability to see and hear spirits, intuitive Laura SilvanaÆs mediumship abilities extend into the world of nature. Her fascinating true story includes knowledge gained from a spirit shaman who taught her how to work with the beneficial energies of plants. Silvana tunes in to individual flowers and herbs and lets the spirits of the plants speak for themselves. For example, dandelions possess a whimsical vibration to help counteract despair. Lilacs offer contentment and stability during times of transition. Red clover is a powerful healer that inspires courage, will, and determination. This guide reveals the spiritual and emotional healing properties of 30 versatile plants and gives simple instructions for making plant spirit remedies at home. Both the plants and the ailments they treat are cross-referenced so you can easily find the information you seek.á á á á á


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