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LLEWELLYN'S COMPLETE BOOK OF NAMES: For Pagans, Witches, Wiccans, Druids, Heathens, Mages, Shamans & Independent Thinker

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Are you looking for the perfect name for your child? Are you curious about names of all sorts? Among the name books available today, none are tailored to the needs of Witches, Pagans, and other seekers like Llewellyn's Complete Book of Names. From Alma and Ash to Zinnia and Zane, this comprehensive and user-friendly name guide offers accurate and extensive information on more than seven thousand names and their variations, for a total of more than seventeen thousand names, spanning a variety of spiritual traditions, cultures, and centuries. Each impeccably researched entry features factual details on the name's origin, history, and meaning, including magical and mystical associations. Examples of historical figures and characters from mythology, magical texts, literature, and film are also provided. This essential guide offers everything you need to make this all-important decision, including name selection tips and name lists categorized by themeùthe Sun and Moon, the five elements including spirit, the seasons, flowers, herbs and trees, stones and metals, and colors. Llewellyn's Complete Book of Names features pronunciations for each non-standard name (more than fifteen thousand variations), a glossary of specialized terms used in the book, and an index by gender. It is an invaluable resource for writers, individuals choosing a magical name, or anyone who wishes to find the perfect moniker for a companion animal, home, coven, business, community, or organization. Praise:ôDefinitely not for Pagans only, this scrupulously researched volume covers a wide range of names, from the traditional, Old Testament Benjamin to the medieval French Goddess name Bensozie. A wealth of onomastic information.öùLinda Rosenkrantz, creator of and co-author of Beyond Jennifer & Jason, Madison & Montana: What to Name Your Baby Now á á á á


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