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KUNDALINI: Divine Energy, Divine Life

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Llewellyn Worldwide
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Kundalini has been called the energetic key to enlightenment and the secret to well-being and wisdom. Complex and powerful, this mysterious energy is often linked to sacred sex and our spiritual mission. Kundalini is one of the most discussed, but least understood, forms of divine energy. So what is it, really? Renowned intuitive healer Cyndi Dale presents concise yet comprehensive guidance to help you truly understand kundalini energy and how to use it to transform your life spiritually and physically. Recognizing and integrating this sacred energy is essential to achieving vibrant health, having better and more meaningful relationships, and finding your life's authentic purpose. Featuring the latest scientific research, this guide also explores mystical practices such as breathwork, tantra, and mantras, and offers illuminating first-hand accounts from Cyndi's healing and teaching practice.


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