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SPELLS FOR TOUGH TIMES: Crafting Hope When Faced With Life's Thorniest Challenges

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Llewellyn Worldwide
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Looking for a little magical boost for when life throws you a curveball? Spells for Tough Times is a unique toolkit for coping with and overcoming just about any difficultyùwhether minor annoyance, embarrassing quandary, or unexpected crisis. Refreshingly positive and practical, this book features over 150 easy-to-perform spells and rituals that address common problems we all face. Organized by major areas of concern, youÆll find spells related to personal habits and emotions, family and children, relationships, pets, health, house and home, career, finances, legal disputes, world events, and death. Use these spells to reconnect with an estranged relative, banish an inappropriate crush, and rebound from even the stickiest situations. From layoffs and foreclosures to child bullying and identity theft, this book combines the magical with the mundane to help you navigate lifeÆs hurdles and hardships with grace and faith.


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