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DEEPER SHADE OF BLUE: A Woman's Guide To Recognizing & Treating Depression In Her Childbearing Years

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Nonacs, Ruta
Simon & Schuster
Depression affects women almost twice as often as men, with about one in four women suffering from it at some point in her lifetime. While depression may strike at any time, studies show that women appear to be particularly vulnerable during their childbearing years. This comprehensive and empathetic book confronts the seldom-talked-about issue of pregnancy-related depression, identifying symptoms, treatments, and cures for this constellation of serious, underdiagnosed, and surprisingly common emotional conditions. Topics covered include the emotional repercussions of infertility and miscarriage, depression during pregnancy, postpartum depression and anxiety, and the impact of maternal depression on spouse and family. Also addressed are the many aspects of a woman's life -- career, education, marriage, and a host of other factors -- that may increase her stress during the span of her childbearing years and make her especially susceptible to emotional difficulties. Straightforward, honest, and sensitive, A Deeper Shade of Blue speaks directly to women at risk of or suffering from depression within the context of childbearing and provides the information they need to get the best care, during pregnancy and beyond.

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