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CREATIVE MIND: Tapping The Power Within - reissue

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Holmes, Ernest
Square One Publishers
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His works on the power of the mind have influenced millions of people throughout the world. A brilliant speaker, a gifted thinker, and an inspired writer, Dr. Ernest S. Holmes founded the United Church of Religious Science, an international ministry that still flourishes today. His message is simple: The universe has intelligence, purpose, and order. By understanding its principles and applying them to ourselves, we can see who we are and what we truly want in life. The author's metaphysical belief does not conflict with other religions. In fact, it embraces the tenets of all the world's great religions. Dr. Holmes believed it was possible to understand our place in the universe by integrating science, philosophy, and religion. In Creative Mind, his first book produced in 1919, Holmes worked diligently to put together a simple guide for the many thousands who came to hear his words and who wished to know more. Creative Mind is a little book designed to explain what people must discover for themselves about the nature of the universe and the creative power of their own minds. Its timeless message is as fresh today as it was nearly 100 years ago.

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