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IN BALANCE FOR LIFE: Understanding & Maximizing Your Body's pH Factor

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Guerrero, Alex
Square One Publishers
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The principle of balance is not new. It forms the foundation of both Eastern and Western philosophies, from Confucius to Aristotle. As it relates to health, it has been around just as long, from the development of traditional Chinese medicine to the treatments used by Hippocrates and Galen. What is new, however, is a scientifically based application that can improve and maximize your health. Imagine that the human body has an internal mechanism that keeps two basic types of chemicals--acid and alkali--in balance. When your body becomes either too acidic or too alkaline, you become susceptible to a host of disorders. When balance is restored, however, so is your health. In this brilliant book, renowned sports doctor Alex Guerrero explains how you can become well--now and for an extended lifetime--by restoring your pH balance. The doctor first describes how you can assess your health. He then details the specific foods and nutrients that will bring your body back into a normal healthy balance. Hereis a book that will quickly capture the imagination of all those looking for a drug-free way to feel better. 'In Balance for Life offers an effective, easy-to-follow program that is bound to shake up your beliefs about your own body, and about the steps you can take to maintain or regain your well-being.


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