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GET HAPPY: Instead Of Just Getting By

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Happiness is a choice available to you whenever you decide you want it.If your outlook on life has become a continuous 'whatever,' if you think of your life as a 'hit-and-miss' game that you mostly 'miss,' if you are tired of feeling like a victim of your own negativity, you're not alone! I don't know what I want but I want to be happy is about learning how to find the happiness that you think is missing from your life. It's about deciding what you want, setting goals, and then going about achieving them. It's about really examining yourself and turning everything upside-down and inside-out so you can find the parts that work for YOU. Now, get happy by: getting rid of negative self-talk finding creative outlets feeling healthier having a 'gratitude attitude' telling the difference between want and need making happy time...and so much more

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