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SHEA VAUGHN'S BREAKTHROUGH: The 5 Living Principles To Defeat Stress, Look Great & Total Well-Being

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'What woman isn't searching for a breakthrough, and what woman doesn't want to break through to something bigger, better, more fulfilling? Whether it's in work, love, mind, or body, many women feel like they are spinning their wheels, making empty promises to themselves and failing to live up to their own expectations. Something is missing and nothing is clicking. Their breakthrough ' their advancement and achievement over their status quo' has yet to come. Many women who feel they are at a stalemate feel that way because they lack a mind-body connection and they find that they are most affected by the condition of their mind and body once they reach a certain age. By 45 women mistakenly believe they should've accomplished a certain amount and when they feel that they haven't (often mistakenly), they become depressed, discouraged, confused, and lost in mind, body, and spirit. Their mind and body become disconnected and women of a certain age lack the knowledge and the stamina to help achieve a reconnection necessary for breakthrough living. They need a mind-body makeover. Shea Vaughn is no stranger to this phenomenon. A mother and entrepreneur, Shea tackled her own demons to find a new way of living that helped her break through the barriers that kept her from understanding and becoming who she really was and achieve her own mind-body makeover, which led to her reconnecting her emotional health with her physical health and founding Sheanetics', the proven new pathway for living. In Breakthrough! The 5 Living Principles to Defeat Stress, Look Great, and Find Total Well-being, Shea Vaughn offers women her Five Living Principles along with a customized Eastern-meets-Western fitness and 'best-of' lifestyle program developed from her decades of training in several disciplines, including Tai Chi, aerobics, strength training, and martial arts, that is tailored to specific issues women over 45 face that often sabotage the mind-body connection: inability to commit, lethargy, lack of self-esteem, time management, emotional barriers, hopelessness, and fitness and nutrition challenges. As a personal trainer (and the 69-year-old mother of actor Vince Vaughn) what Shea has discovered from training women over 45 is that while they have heard of Eastern philosophy and integrated exercise programs, they haven't been exposed to them thoroughly or practically enough for them to understand their power. Who better than Shea Vaughn, a peer who has been there, to introduce the concepts of Eastern philosophy? With Shea Vaughn's guidance, readers will once and for all understand Eastern practices, which encompass the mind-body connection, positive energy, stress reduction, and meditation -- and integrate them with a doable fitness and nutrition plan ' for both the mind and the body ' that will keep them lighter, toned, and flexible.At the core of her book are the Five Living Principles: Commitment, Perseverance, Self-Control, Integrity and Love. They are an inspirational force based on Eastern philosophies that help women create a positive lifestyle with a healthy body and the supportive mental and emotional paradigm to deal with changing and demanding times. One encourages the other and together they help women find balance, self-confidence and a personal state of well-being.In Breakthrough! Shea Vaughn becomes a mentor and role model for a mind-body makeover that helps women find the balance they can sustain for the rest of their lives. Women will learn to: Identify the area in life in which they would like to achieve a breakthrough (using self-assessments) Understand why breakthroughs are necessary, especially for women over 45 and how they lead to cluster breakthroughs-- the chain reaction of one breakthrough into other aspects of one's life Take pride in the fact that their age is the prime time for achieving a breakthrough Forgive their past failures, habits, or negative mind-sets Recognize their strengths and achievements and apply them to living Embrace all that they can do and be forgiving for what they find challenging Discover what works best for them and stop mparing themselves to others or their younger selves Blend ancient and contemporary movements with a self-empowering eastern philosophy designed to improve the quality of today's hectic Western lifestyle Embrace Five Living Principles as their guide to life. Making the principles the center of their lives they will focus on creating positive energy to reduce stress and allows them to enjoy a lifestyle of fitness, personal balance and well-being Incorporate a 7-Day Breakthrough Boost that will kick start a woman's mind-body connection that includes floor stabilization, flexibility, pelvic exercises, strength training, mediation, and juicing and supplements Shea Vaughn discovered that total well-being is achieved only with the right mental guide. Breakthrough! is that mental guide'--

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