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RED AND BLUE GOD, BLACK AND BLUE CHURCH: Eyewitness Accounts Of How American Churches Are Hijacking Jesus, Bagging The B

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Garrison, Becky
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In her singular, smart-alecky tone, religious satirist Becky Garrison takes aim at the battles between the warring political factions in America's churches and illuminates both the plank in the Religious Right's eye as well as the speck that blinds the Progressive Left.+In Red and Blue God, Black and Blue Church, Garrison leaves no sacred cow untipped. A master of satire with a theological black belt, Becky Garrison shines a bright light on hypocrisy from both sides of the political spectrum, exposing how both red and blue Christians hold hostage the teachings of Jesus in service to their own partisan gain. What's lacking is a true understanding of Christ's mandate to love all of humanityùincluding our enemiesùwhich, if honored, would open the door to honest dialogue and understanding that transcends political labels. But all is not lost. Just as she does in her role as senior contributing editor for religious satire magazine The Wittenburg Door, Garrison looks for hope blossoming amidst the minefields of satirical possibility. Throughout the book, she notes those instances when rather than creating ideological havens for like-minded political souls to gather, the church chooses to receive the other based on the Greatest Commandment of all: love one's neighbor as oneself. Red and Blue God, Black and Blue Church brings a fresh perspective (and some much-needed humor) to the political controversies raging in our reddest and bluest denominations.


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