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WISDOM WIDE AND DEEP: A Practical Handbook For Mastering Jhana & Vipassana

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Wisdom Pubns
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Wisdom Wide and Deep is an extended introduction to an in-depth training that emphasizes the application of concentrated attention to profound and liberating insight. With calm, tranquility, and composure established through a practical experience of jhana or deep concentration, meditators are able to halt the seemingly endless battle against hindrances, eliminate distraction, and facilitate a penetrative insight into the subtle nature of matter and mind. It was for this reason the Buddha frequently exhorted his students, ?Develop concentration, one who is concentrated understands things as they really are.? Wisdom Wide and Deep follows and amplifies the teachings in Shaila Catherine?s acclaimed first book, Focused and Fearless: A Meditator?s Guide to States of Deep Joy, Calm, and Clarity. Readers will learn to this profound stability to the meticulous discernment, analysis, and contemplation of reality as it is actually occurring and learn how to sustain an in-depth examination of the nuances of mind and matter to unravel deeply conditioned patterns that perpetuate suffering. This is a profoundly practical guide, the fully detailed manual for the mind sure to become a trusted companion to many inner explorers.


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