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Do you find yourself always experiencing life ahead of time, with your friends lagging behind? Or are you the one who is behind, watching your friends enjoy new things while you wait to be ready? Have you wondered why some people seem to do everything from crawling to dating to having their own children right on schedule, while others struggle with life's timetable? Astrological cycles of each planet indicate the timing of just about every developmental process you experience. Now you can look at a person's chart and see where they are likely to excel ahead of their age group, and where they are likely to wait and observe, learning from other people's experiences before they try things themselves. Astrological cycles make more sense in the context of a lifetime. The first full cycle of each planet defines a period of life and the critical developmental issues involved. Then you can combine the timing of later cycles with aspects among planets to enrich your understanding of the individual's life path.

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