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LIVING WICCA: A Further Guide For The Solitary Practitioner

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Cunningham, Scott
Llewellyn Publications
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Living Wicca is the long-awaited sequel to Scott Cunningham's wildly successful Wicca: a Guide for the Solitary Practitioner . This book is for those who have made the conscious decision to bring their Wiccan spirituality into their everyday lives. It provides solitary practitioners with the tools & added insights that will enable them to blaze their own spiritual paths-to become their own high priests & priestesses. Living Wicca takes a philosophical look at the questions, practices, & differences within Witchcraft. It covers the various tools of learning available to the practitioner, the importance of secrecy in one's practice, guidelines to performing ritual when ill, magical names, initiation, & the Mysteries. It discusses the benefits of daily prayer & meditation, making offerings to the gods, how to develop a prayerful attitude, & how to perform Wiccan rites when away from home or in emergency situations. Unlike any other book on the subject, Living Wicca is a step-by-step guide to creating your own Wiccan tradition & personal vision of the gods, designing your personal ri

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