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Peschel, L
Llewellyn Publications
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A Practical Guide to the Runes Rune Magick: A Powerful Force for Guidance, Protection, and Luck EIHWAZ the yew, URUZ the wild ox, KENAZ the hearth fire. Created by the Nordic and Germanic tribes of northern Europe, the runes began as a magickal system of pictographs representing the forces and objects in nature. This guidebook will help you discover the oracular nature of the runes and how to use them as a magickal tool for insight, protection, and luck. Practical and concise, this book includes: - Complete descriptions of the twenty-four runes of the Elder Futhark, plus WYRD, the blank rune - The differences between bindrunes and runescripts - Four rune layouts and detailed rune interpretations, including reversed position meanings - How to carve runes and create talismans - Meanings and uses of the runes in magick


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