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A.R.E. Press (Association of Research & Enlightenm
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Edgar Cayce has been called the Sleeping Prophet, the father of Holistic medicine, and the most documented psychic of all time. During Cayces lifetime, he gave more than 14,000 psychic readings on an amazing 10,000 different topics. Some of the most fascinating readings were given on Atlantis. According to the readings, not only did Atlantis exist, but the breadth of technology at that time surpassed our own. In fact, it was that civilizations unique use of a type of crystal energy that eventually led to the downfall of Atlantis over a period of several thousand years, as it broke apart and into the ocean. After a number of individuals who were given life readings by Cayce were told that they had been incarnated during a time in Atlantis, a group of people working with Cayce decided to get a series of readings devoted solely to understanding Atlantis. These readings were not given for individuals but for this group seeking information on this ancient and legendary land.

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