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ASTROLOGY FOR YOURSELF: How To Understand & Interpret Your Own Birth Chart - new edition

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Bloch, Douglas & George, Demetra
Ibis Press
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Absolute novices who have discovered this book rave about its clarity, comprehensiveness, and above all, effectiveness. Astrology for Yourself introduces you to the language, art, and science of astrology by investigating the subject you know best-you. This book contains a unique, programmed-learning text that walks you through a step-by-step series of simple exercises and journal entries so that by the time you're done with the book, you'll have your own, complete interpretation of your birth chart, and you'll understand why the astrological symbolism means what it means. Aside from providing a wealth of knowledge about your birth chart (and therefore yourself), Astrology for Yourself promotes personal growth and change in your life. By filling out the workbook, you will gain one or more of the following benefits: A basic understanding of your talents, abilities, and strengths, and how you can best express them in your life; An overall understanding of your life's meaning and purpose; Insights into your life's challenges-and how you can transform them into opportunities; A deeper and more comprehensive understanding of a variety of important dimensions of your life, such as: career and vocational needs; relationship needs; health; finances; child-rearing; your major life cycles, when they will occur, and what they mean. No matter what your level of astrological interest or experience, Astrology for Yourself offers an innovative approach to personal growth that promises to transform the quality of your life. Book jacket.

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