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BACH FLOWER MASSAGE - with 80 b&w illustrations

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Rito, Daniele Lo
Healing Arts Press
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ò Simple instructions and diagrams for treating all types of emotional states by massaging the body with Bach Flower essences.ò Bach Flower Massage contains all the information you need to begin treating yourself and others with the 38 flower remedies, including a list of the indications treated by each essence, illustrations of the flowers themselves, and tips on where to find them in the wild.ò Clear diagrams show exactly where to massage the body with each flower essence, depending on the condition to be treated.Doctors have long known that inner imbalances can be reflected in external reactions of the skin, but Bach Flower Massage is the first book to turn that equation around: by manipulating the skin with a combination of massage and Bach Flower essences, inner conditions can be treated. This is an extremely precise method of using Bach Flower essences, because the flowers immediately go to work on the part of the body connected to the psychic imbalance. Practitioners of Bach Flower therapy will be amazed by the results they achieve with this new approach.


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