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ADVANCED BACH FLOWER THERAPY: A Scientific Approach To Diagnosis & Treatment

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Blome, Gotz
Healing Arts Press
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A major advancement in the scientific use of flower essences. ò Lists 200 clinically proven combinations of Bach Flower essences for treating specific conditions. ò Targets the source of problems, not their outer manifestations. Each of us has a unique psychic structure that affects our emotions, thoughts, and actions. We can develop harmoniously or have unbalanced reactions that can cause illness and psychosomatic conditions. The strength of Bach Flower therapy lies in its ability to treat these pathologies, restore balance, and free us from the physical manifestations of problems that are often psychic and emotional in origin. An indispensable addition to existing Bach Flower works, Advanced Bach Flower Therapy contains three significant new features that are essential for reliable diagnosis and treatment, and make practical use much easier: ò A new comprehensive, psychologically sensitive explanation for each individual remedy ò A detailed description of more than 200 proven combinations that target the source of the problem rather than simply addressing its symptoms ò A comprehensive repertory of symptoms and illnesses with extensive advice and suggestions for treatment User-friendly and scientifically rigorous, Advanced Bach Flower Therapy is the most important tool yet for anyone wishing to develop a deeper understanding of the benefits of floral essences.


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