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HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES: Your Easy-To-Use Guide To Common Ailments & Their Homeopathic Treatments

$17.00 each

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Hershoff, Asa
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Developed by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann almost two hundred years ago as a safer alternative to orthodox medical care, homeopathy is now used by millions of people worldwide. In fact, in England, it is the royal family's first choice in treating common health disorders. Homeopathic Remedies begins by explaining what homeopathy is - its underlying principles, its view of disease, and its emphasis on symptom observation. It then discusses how homeopathic preparations should be used - how they are made, how their potency is measured, and how they should be taken. This is followed by a unique section called the A-to-Z Prescriber. Here you will find over one hundred different ailments listed in alphabetical order - from abscess to memory loss to wrist conditions. If you've never used homeopathy because you simply don't know how it works or how the remedies should be used, let Homeopathic remedies be your guide to this gentle art of healing.


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