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PRESCRIPTION OR POISON? The Benefits & Dangers Of Herbal Remedies

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Hunter House Publishers
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Many people believe that if it's herbal, 'natural' or for sale at a health-food store, it must be safe. But while dozens of medicines (including codeine and Sudafed) are plant-derived, so is the poison strychnine.As more and more of us take daily medication to treat our mood, heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, etc., it is more important than ever to understand the interactions that can hurt us when we also take vitamins, herbs or homeopathic or ayurvedic remedies, or even if we drink a glass of grapefruit juice.Most of us don't, because herbs and supplements are almost entirely unregulated. What's more, while many of us seek alternative remedies or complementary care, practitioners of these therapies may not be well-versed in potential drug-herb interactions and complications. At the same time, conventional 'Western' doctors often know very little about herbs and supplements.Written in clear language, based on up-to-date science and filled with quick-consult tables and charts, this book belongs on your bookshelf before any 'natural' remedies get added to your medicine chest.


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