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ULTIMATE REIKI TOUCH: Initiation & Self-Exploration As Tools For Healing

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Product Information

Horan, Paula
Lotus Press
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The most in-depth long term guide to experiencing Universal Life Force Energy available in book form. The Ultimate Reiki Touch exposes the root cause of stress and all disease and supplies the tools for successful stress management with the help of the Usui System of Natural Healing. Based on the authors 14 years of experience as a Reiki teacher, and her more recent work with the ancient esoteric roots of Reiki, the importance of taking responsibility not only for your own health and well-being, but for your entire life, is emphasized. With instructions for exploring specific themes through spontaneous writing practice and a daily journal that promotes greater self awareness, the book helps liberate you from the bondage of blaming others or outside circumstances, and empowers you to fully take charge and feel good about yourself and your achievements. The Ultimate Reiki Touch introduces you to a variety of practices that support a quantum leap in the quality of your life. Once set in motion, such a shift provides far greater satisfaction and ease in everyday living, enabling you to thoroughly enjoy the ride, even when the going gets tough.


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