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COMPENDIUM OF HERBAL MAGIC - with over 100 illustrations

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Beyerl, Paul
Phoenix Publishing (WA)
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Every plant has its own distinct spiritual energy or its own deva. Devas are the radiant light of the Universal Divine which permeates all things.Since the earliest times people were aware that all of Nature is divine. Great and wondrous myths were told which explained the presence of divine energy as it exists in thunder, in trees and in sunlight. Some of this lore was the foundation of religions. But the simpler stories such as those of a plant's energy explored day-to-day matters like health and love. This understanding of the world has been preserved in folklore through poems, chants, ditties and spells.From researching the history of folklore from cultures around the world, patterns emerge which enable us to approach the true nature of plants' devas. This compendium presents the lore and the corresponding usage for 330 magickal herbes. Great care was taken only to include folklore that was documented as being authentic.You will meet many new herbes in this text and explore fascinating magickal and religi uses. But most of all we hope you come to respect the divine that surrounds your everyday life.


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