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KARMA AND REINCARNATION: Transcending Your Past, Transforming Your Future - pocket-sized

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Prophet, Elizabeth Clare
Summit University Press
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We have all been here before... The word Karma had made it into the mainstream. But not everyone knows what it really means or how to deal with it. This insightful book will help you come to grips with karmic connections from past lives that have helped create the circumstances of your life today. You will discover how your actions in past lives -- good and bad -- affect which family you are born into, who you are attracted to, and why some people put you on edge. You will learn about group karma, what we do between lives, and what the great lights of East and West, including Jesus, have to say about karma and reincarnation. Most of all, you will find out how to turn your karmic encounters into grand opportunities to shape the future you want.


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