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PRIMAL RUNES: Archetypes Of Invocation & Empowerment

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Calverley, Roger
Lotus Press
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Thousands of years before the Aryan invasion of Europe, in forested planes and valleys to the north of modern Greece, a civilization centred on the Great Mother came into existence.? The people of Old Europe created sacred signs, the Primal Runes, and gave birth to our most ancient ancestral tradition of divination and magic.? Based on the phases of the Moon, these archetypal rune-forms each have a sacred sound; they form a complete system of invocation and empowerment.? Mother of all subsequent runes, lost to posterity before the dawn of recorded history, the Primal Runes reveal the hidden wisdom of early earth-mysteries.? They tell of the birth of time, an era when magic was still alive in moonlit forests, dark caves and hidden pools.? These are the arcane powers of Light and Dark that inscribe the divine plan on the tablets of human destiny.? Ordered according to the 28 stages of the waxing and waning Moon and the five sacred elements, these ancient runes give direct access to the


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