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FOR INDEPENDENT THINKERS ONLY: Over 5000 Years Of Authoritarian Religions

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Wheeler, C Morris
New Vortex Pub
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After 25 years of research into the origin, history, & teachings of authoritarian religions, this thought-provoking book was written to interest & inform thinkers who--like the author--cannot accept, as being based on truth, many of the beliefs taught by authoritarian priesthoods. The first-known authoritarian priesthood settled in Sumer (Mesopotamia) about 3500 B.C. Among the many innovations it introduced were (1) imaginary, human-like gods whom people had to please or be punished & (2) the Mystery Teachings. These--made known only to priests--were the source of their spiritual beliefs. The book contains part of these Teachings & some of the widely-known symbols & myths priests based on them. New authoritarian priesthoods were created later, but they all adopted the Sumerian priests' methods & teachings. The true purpose of these priesthoods was to obtain power & wealth for themselves. The book's final chapters emphasize how these priests' dictatorial methods--of selfishly using every segment of the lay population to attain their goals--have led directly to the confusion & belligerence in the world today. This book is available from New Leaf Distributing Company, Georgia, (Telephone 1-800-326-2665); DeVorss & Company, California, (In California, 1-800-331-4719; outside California, 1-800-843-6960) & from the publisher.


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