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BLISS OF FREEDOM: A Contemporary Mystic's Enlightening Journey

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Acacia Publishing
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The autobiography of a contemporary American mystic and master of meditationThe bestseller list is dominated by books focusing on personal growth and self-realization. Authors such as Deepak Chopra, Marianne Williamson, and Wayne Dyer articulate approaches to life that depart from Western ways. Now, in the tradition of the classic Autobiography of a Yogi, Master Charles escorts the reader along the road of his personal journey of self-discovery and enlightenment, from child music prodigy to phenomenally successful leader of the meditation industry. As the originator of the Synchronicity High-Tech Meditation Experience, the author has introduced thousands of people throughout the world to his contemporary accelerated form of meditation.Born Charles Cannon in Syracuse, NY, Master Charles spent 12 years as an ordained Vedic monk, studying under Parmahansa Muktananda, Indian guru to Hollywood celebrities as well as the prime minister of India. In 1982 he developed a very scientific and powerful system of music designed to alter the frequency of brain waves, with little or no effort from the listener. Thus he created a more accessible Western context in which to impart the lessons of ancient Eastern philosophy and meditation.This is a fascinating story of an unusual American whose life has been a bridge between two cultures.'The Bliss of Freedom is a celebration of life... a glimpse of the potential and possibilities for us all, here, now'. -- John Bradshaw, author of Healing the Shame That Binds You


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