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SOUL PROOF: Compelling Evidence We Are Immortal Spiritual Beings--And What That Means For Your Life

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Pitstick, Mark R
Soul Proof Productions
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Imagine how wonderful life would be if you REALLY KNEW--without a doubt--that no one really dies. Think of how your life would change for the better if you were convinced that life is a totally safe and magnificent adventure amidst eternity. Consider how reassuring it would be if irrefutable evidence proved we each are indestructible spiritual beings having a temporary earthly experience. 'Soul Proof' by Dr. Mark Pitstick provides that proof. Bernie Siegel, M.D., wrote a long and fascinating forward. Exclusive contributions were made by esteemed researchers and teachers Drs. Wayne Dyer, Raymond Moody, Brian Weiss, Ken Ring, and others. Nine categories of proof include scientific, clinical, religious, and firsthand evidence that we each really are immortal souls who are forever one with Creator. This knowledge supplants our faith and helps us cope--and even thrive--despite common challenges like deaths of loved ones, aging, loss of relationships, financial reversals, serious illness and disability, abuse, and so on. Dr. Pitstick's book provides the 'good news that sets us free', that helps us trust this wonderful and mysterious journey on earth. 'Soul Proof' allows us to be bright beacons of hope, love, and courage no matter what our outer circumstances.

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