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AWAKENING THROUGH THE TEARS: Interstitial Cystitis & The Mind/Body/Spirit Connection

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Product Information

Simone, Catherine M
IC Hope
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This book is the story of how one woman came to awaken spiritually while she was sick with IC and as she was healing from IC. It's about how she learned to use the fact that the mind, body and spirit were connected in order to help her heal and how she came to understand the question that we all come to ask. Why me? Why is this happening to me? What did I do to deserve this? If God is up there, why is He allowing all this to happen to me? Why does it seem like He is not hearing my prayers or helping me? Uncovering the answers to these questions (and more) was all a part of her healing and became a part of this book. This book also includes a discussion of physical connections with IC that have not been previously addressed elsewhere. If you experience anxiety and/or feel there is a hormone connection with your IC, this book is especially for you. Actually, this book is for anyone who has IC and has ever wondered why they have it, for anyone who has every asked, 'Why Me/'. This book helps you to answer that question.


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