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HEART AND SOUL OF EFT AND BEYOND...:A Soulful Exploration Of The Emotional Freedom Techniques & Holistic Healing

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Mountrose, Phillip & Mountrose, Jane
Holistic Communications
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EFT (the Emotional Freedom Techniques) has been called a modern miracle. By simply tapping on a series of points on the body, you can use these techniques to clear stuck emotions and other self-defeating patterns, producing profound breakthroughs. As thousands of enthusiastic users have discovered, EFT is easy to learn, works quickly, and can be used on virtually any issue. Building on the Mountroses' popular paperbacks Getting Thru to Your Emotions with EFT and Getting Thru to Your Soul, this new volume makes EFT even easier and more effective. The Heart & Soul of EFT and Beyond contains dozens of proven strategies for creating the life you truly desire. Another unique quality about this book is that the Mountroses pooled their extensive knowledge with others. Besides the Mountroses many insights and holistic techniques, included is a 50-page section with tips from 11 leading EFT Experts from the rapidly growing energy psychology field.As people experience EFT, most report a profound relief from stress-producing emotions like fear, anger, frustration and sadness. It is very effective for eliminating addictions and unwanted cravings, as well as other difficulties such as phobias, insomnia, pain and self-esteem issues. We have a kind of emotional wiring programmed into us from past experiences. EFT helps rewire the emotional patterns so we are no longer triggered in the old, painful ways. Its fast, easy, free of side effects, and remarkably effective.This new, easy-to-read book shows you how to make EFT even more usable, along with how it can be complemented with other holistic healing approaches. The book is also unique because it demystifies healing and provides easy access to many routines that can be used for self-help. Putting the ability to effect change directly into the readers hands, The Heart & Soul of EFT and Beyond is a concise guide and reference for anyone interested in the healing arts and fulfilling their full potential.'The Heart & Soul of EFT and Beyond takes EFT to the next level. It incorporates many energy psychology tools and knowledge that make EFT even more effective. The eleven well-respected Energy Field experts included in this volume also offer a host of wonderful tips and tools.' --Fred P. Gallo, PhD, author of Energy Psychology Here are some highlights from this multi-purpose book: Dozens of practical tips and strategies for EFT. You can put these into practice immediately, as well as be able to refer to them time and time again. A pragmatic and spiritual approach to healing that addresses the body-mind-spirit. The Magic Question that provides clarity when tapping sequences are not working. How to use Kinesiology (muscle testing) to pinpoint any issue. Recognize sabotaging beliefs that psychologically reverse you. 18 quick-reference charts and diagrams to make EFT and muscle testing easier and more understandable. The Holistic Process, a Mountrose Getting Thru Technique (GTT), which elegantly finds the deeper issues that EFT can then clear. How to treat being 'switched,' an energy imbalance that can create a tremendous barrier to healing. Also information on how to overcome fears of success and of getting well. Knowing your chief defense pattern; application of this knowledge alone can transform and uplift your entire life. Dealing with energy toxins, which can be behind any symptom or problem. Three positive installations to greatly enhance EFT to create a dynamic future. An in-depth analysis of the common missing ingredient in healing: forgiveness. Learn the exact misconceptions that hold people back. In addition to using EFT to forgive, included is a powerful easy-to-use forgiveness technique. Dozens of transformational insights on different key subjects like weight, money, pain and trauma from 11 leading EFT experts, and much more...

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